Lucky Fox Blog

How to Do it All? You Don’t
Lisa Sturtevant Lisa Sturtevant

How to Do it All? You Don’t

In our second year of flower farming—and our first year of selling our flowers—it has been harder to balance competing priorities.

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Size Does Matter…And Bigger is not Always Better
Lisa Sturtevant Lisa Sturtevant

Size Does Matter…And Bigger is not Always Better

I remember how excited (and nervous!) I was the first time I approached a local florist to sell our flowers. That meeting, standing over an armload of our flowers, did turn into a sale. But even more important, I learned more about understanding what our prospective customers are looking for.

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You Are Right Where You Need to Be
Lisa Sturtevant Lisa Sturtevant

You Are Right Where You Need to Be

It is so hard sometimes to stay focused on the one thing in front of you. There is always a long list—either actual or mental—of things that need to be done. But committing to starting a flower farm meant giving myself permission to be present in what I needed to be doing.

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An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
Lisa Sturtevant Lisa Sturtevant

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

We learned a lot of lessons in our first year of flower farming but one of the biggest was about weeds. Weeds are always going to be a challenge in flower farming, but, as we learned, it’s definitely better to be proactive.

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Patience is a Virtue, Just Not One of Mine
Lisa Sturtevant Lisa Sturtevant

Patience is a Virtue, Just Not One of Mine

We moved into our new house in December 2022 and were eager to start seedlings inside so that we could get flowers in the ground as soon as possible after the last frost. The original game plan had been to be in a new house by fall so that we could start cool season flowers to overwinter and be ready in the early spring.

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How We (Accidentally) Bought a Farm
Lisa Sturtevant Lisa Sturtevant

How We (Accidentally) Bought a Farm

“I have a crazy idea to run by you.”

These are the words spoken to me by my husband, Dave, that ultimately brought us here to Lucky Fox Farm.

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